The Cassie Morgan “Story”

Recently we’ve been emailed by Cassie Morgan. And she wanted to get her REAL story out.

Here’s what her email was to us (click photo to enlarge):

Overall, it’s just about how she got hacked on her Twitter by her friend. Her friend spread rumors about her and started drama with people on Twitter and there was nothing Cassie could do about it.

Since she said “PLEASE EXPLAIN” I guess we can go on with how this is portrayed in our eyes. Now, let’s just say, that we (PLB) have gotten hacked a few times so if Cassie really did get hacked, we understand how it must feel having hackers  pretending to be you and start drama with random people.  We get that. But from another point of view,  there’s no possible way to tell if all of what’s she said was 100% real and genuine. Last summer “Cassie Morgan” has started rumors about dating Justin.  Those rumors led to a lot of drama in the Belieber fan base.  Although Cassie says the person who hacked her made up those things, there are many people who believe that it was Cassie herself who started the rumors and drama for attention. If it was the real Cassie, it wouldn’t be a surprise to us because you wouldn’t believe how many fans make up rumors about dating  Justin then when they get caught up in their lies, they say they got hacked and that they never dated him. But I’m not saying this couldn’t be true. I think there could be some truth to it but overall, it’s still a mystery.

Do YOU believe Cassie Morgan’s story?

Cassie also posted this on Tumblr today and it’s been causing a pretty big riot on Twitter/Tumblr:

A few people have wanted OUR opinion on this all. So here it is: Personally, this could either be real or fake. It could be true because a lot of people have met Jelena together and have said the same things. Even a few Selenators have tweeted in the past about this happening and have ended up changing their Selena fan accounts. But no one knows for sure if this particular story is true. What do you guys think about all this?

– Cassie’s Twitter: @itsCassieMorgan


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Selena Gomez EMA’S Promo Video

Howdy partners!  As you all know, ever since Jelena evolved, Selena has gotten to host multiple big award shows. She’s now hosting the EMA’s (Europe Music Awards) 2011. What you’re about to watch is her promo video:

This is surely….. different than the usual Gomez promos.  But besides that, I’m sure we’re all still interested to watch the EMA’s and burst of happiness whenever our favorite artists win. Maybe Bieber will surprise us with a visit from Latin America. And who knows, Jelena could possibly have another International Television kissing session 😉 That wouldn’t be a surprise to much of us.

The EMA’s will be held at Belfast’s Odyssey Arena in the UK on Novemeber 6, 2011. Tune in on MTV to watch the EMA’s live!

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Jasmine Villegas “NUDE” Real or Fake?

Aside from the Sydney Dalton, Jelena, and the My World Tour controversy, some new Jasmine Villegas news have come about. Recently this picture was brought up on the web and people are CLAIMING it’s Jasmine Villegas. But honestly take a look yourself:

Now let’s all take a second to laugh. -laughs for eternity- Clearly, this isn’t Jasmine. This looks like one of those Playboy magazine shoots. Not only that, but the image looks very Photoshopped. Take a look from the neck up, as well as the hand. Those figures of the image doesn’t match up with the body of the picture. Our take? 100% fake and whoever created this image is a Photoshop genius.  For a second there, it could have many people fooled into belief that it’s Jasmine V.

This image is still lingering around the web, mostly on Tumblr. Of course those who aren’t very fond of Jasmine will all want to believe it’s her. But let’s be real, Jasmine knows better to never do a photo-shoot like this. At least not at the age of 17 anyway. What do you think? Is this another Photoshopped attempt at ruining a young teen’s career or is this really Jasmine Villegas?

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Sydney Dalton Drama Continues…

First off, I’m sure we’re all aware of who Sydney Dalton is. If not, here’s a summary of how her fame began:

Last year, around the Madison Square Garden big concert event. Sydney Dalton (@sydneydalton) was a Belieber, just like you all.  Sydney even met the Biebs multiple times. She posted a video last year with her friends on YouTube ripping up Bieber posters to symbolize that she was over her “Bieber Obsession” era.  Sadly, that didn’t go so well with Beliebers. Sydney deleted the video on YouTube but people still re-uploaded the video on their accounts. She got a countless amount of hate from Beliebers, death threats, Sydney got kicked out of one of the biggest Bieber Support Twitters: @BieberArmy and she was trending almost every day on Twitter last Summer.  Did I mention she would have been a movie star?  But Scooter kicked her off the Justin Bieber “Never Say Never” movie after all the drama that went down on Twitter.   Though being kicked off the NSN movie, Sydney was still able to attend Madison Square Garden for all the rehearsals and filming for Justin’s big MSG NYC showcase.  Slowly, the Twitter drama cooled down and Sydney stated that she was not a Belieber anymore. But guess what? She’s BACKKKKKKK!

Now the Twitter drama doesn’t revolve around Sydney and Bieber, it revolves around Sydney and One Direction. As you all know, a  little over a week ago Sydney met the new hot boy band, One Direction.  And of course, 1D fans were jealous and all the attention Sydney got from meeting 1D got her trending on the Twitter TT list:

Sydney then made a blog post on her Tumblr about how she met 1D then posted a video:

Here’s pictures Sydney took with One Direction:

From reading that post, viewing the pictures and watching the video you can tell that Sydney Dalton, her friends and One Direction had a blast that night. Let’s get into the post about her meeting 1D a little more. I’ve highlighted some things in the post that Sydney wrote that could have added to the reasons why One Direction fans were jealous and were sending her hate.

Sydney sure did get detailed in her 1D experience. Even the part about Harry staring at her ass could have alone could piss One Direction fans off.  Or maybe the part about Harry grinding on her (jokingly of course) could do the damage to 1D fans.

From searching through her Tumblr archive, this post from March came up:

I highlighted what Sydney said about whoever this person was claiming that she liked One Direction. Keep in mind readers, this post above was in MARCH. About 6 months before Sydney even met One Direction. But honestly, this is quite interesting. Sydney, as always, calls out Bieber fans. “MAKIN SHIT UP. typical bieber fans.” Though she used to be a BIG Belieber herself.  It’s only been 6 months and now she absolutely adores One Direction. Remember a few weeks ago BEFORE she met One Direction when her info box on Twitter didn’t even mention one thing about them? Things have changed:

Now that Sydney’s onto a new fan base, it’s pretty easy to just trash Beliebers all day now.

And let’s not forget the tweet that Sydney posted on Twitter then deleted:

If she has “bieber” in her twitter name #shestooyoungforyoubro

I find it funny that now is when she starts hating on Beliebers. The time when she joins a new fan group is when all these Bieber hate tweets come out. Let’s just hope that Sydney doesn’t rip up One Direction posters because then she’ll have to join the Cody Simpson fan group to hate on Directioners. Either way, it seems like her fame only comes from Twitter drama.

What are your views on Ms. Dalton? Do you feel that she deserves the hate that she’s getting from both Beliebers and Directioners? Are you a Dalton fan or could you just care less? Leave your comments below!


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Justin and His Short Shorts? – Summer’s Gone

First before hand, Click here. That will lead you to the song “Summer’s Gone” allegedly written and sang by Bieber.

Summer’s Gone

Now that YOU’VE heard it, let’s move on. According to some Belieber Tumblr pages, that is a leaked snippet of Justin Bieber’s upcoming song “Summer’s Gone” which will be on his new album.

What I think? It’s not Justin. Sure it sounds like Justin’s voice. Two words, audio effects. From all the lyrics Justin would choose to sing about, why would he choose “I miss my short shorts and my tank top too..” or whatever that was. I couldn’t hear with all the autotune. It sounds a little too feminine (in those specific lyrics mostly.)

A belieber also posted a comment on the post claiming it’s Justin:

I’m not saying there’s no chance it’s Justin. But I just don’t understand why Bieber would miss his short shorts? I’ve never seen him wearing short shorts. Ever.  From what I know, there are a lot of un-known artists that usually tweak up their audio on most of their songs, making it sound like other major celebrities because that way more people would view their song.  You can even catch a few on YouTube. So what do you guys think? Could this be another fake or does Justin really miss Summer and his short shorts?

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Where’s Cameron?

Just as I was about to go to bed, we got this dm from a girl who sent us some pretty interesting info.  She linked us to a tumblr, I won’t give the account out just in case they don’t want to be out in the public. I will however show you the screen-shots i took of the tumblr. Let’s just say they saw some pretty awkward things go down in Allstar weekend’s live chat tonight.
If you can’t read what the screen-caps say, I’m going to be putting it underneath.
“Cameron is with Selena BREAKING NEWS. It’s 1 a.m and Cameron Quiseng is missing from the tour bus. The tour bus is moving…which can only mean…he is on Selena’s tour bus…. awkz.”
Is this a joke? Or real? REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLL! I was just watching there live chat and Cam was not there, but the bus was moving. Everyone was asking where he was, but he’s not there and they were avoiding answering, because they can’t lie…the car is moving.”
“Cameron Quiseng is in a band called Allstar Weekend and they are on tour with Selena. So they were having this live chat for an hour or so, and Cameron was not there. They showed several places in the tour bus and it was visible that he was not in the tour bus. He is still very much on tour with them, and I am not implying he is sleeping with Selena, or dating her. I’m just saying he is riding in her tour bus. It’s cool, I was just pointing it out because everyone in there mother was writing ‘Where’s Cam?’ and Zach would look at the comments and avoid everyone asking. It’s kind of obvious if you ask me…or maybe he was taking a really long pee. Who knows.”
But that doesn’t mean he’s with Selena! I don’t like jelena at all, but I am just saying. What If he was in the bathroom? Was it a bus, or a car? That will make it more realistic for me here. They were in the tour bus, but they did show the whole tour bus and they were on the live chat for about an hour before Zach’s wifi wore out because they were driving. He even said they were driving. I’m not implying anything like he’s sleeping with her or anything, it’s just weird that he’s over there on an overnight drive. Mikey actually came out of the bathroom I believe, and then they started doing some awkward dancing…”
As you can see, things are looking pretty fishy. I’m not gonna start pointing fingers but where else could Cameron be? The tour bus was moving and it was in the middle of the night. 1am to be exact.
– One of the band members went to the bathroom during the chat, Cameron couldn’t have been in there. Unless they have two toilets in one bathroom.
– They were showing several parts of the tour bus during the live chat, and he was nowhere to be found- unless Cameron is a pro at hide and seek. A tour bus is not that big, you could see what is going down.
–  Cameron is their band member, how could they not know where he is or what he’s doing? That is just bizarre to me.
– If he was sleeping, don’t you think they would have said that? instead of avoiding all questions about it and looking awkward/getting quiet each time they were asked.
-It was a moving tour bus, they must be going towards the next tour date. Cameron can’t be out taking a walk, at a store, at a hotel room or outside in general. That wouldn’t make any sense, seeing as it’s a moving tour bus. He has to be on someone’s bus, if he is not on his own.
– Not only that, Cameron has been spotted side stage watching Selena’s set a few times right after their set is done. Don’t you think that if any of the other band members were side stage, they would mention their names too?
– Also, Cameron seems to be the only band member she spends most of her time with. Taking instagram pictures with, going to open mic shows, playing in the rain and etc.
So, what do you guys think? Where could Cameron be?

Mystery tweets solved.

I know that this is mainly about Bieber but we found out a few interesting things that we’d like to share about Jasmine v and her crew. So last night, a few tweets have spread around twitter like wildfire. Mainly including Jinsu and Jasmine’s mom. When everyone read what their tweets were, it got everyone on twitter talking. Who could they be about? Could it be Selena, Justin or someone else? Well, we are here to tell you what’s going on.

First this tweet showed up:

Which then lead to this tweet:

Then caused this tweet:

Finally, ended with this tweet.

Just by the first tweets you can already tell that for once, they aren’t talking about Justin or Selena. You can all breathe in and out, because those tweets aren’t about them. It’s about this chick named Jazzlyn marae. She used to be close friends with Jasmine, but i guess they just had a falling out and are no longer amigos anymore. Jasmine’s mom claims that she has copied Jasmine. First Jasmine came out with Just Jasmine episodes on youtube, where she would post videos about her daily life. Jazzlyn ended up making the same thing on her youtube channel, it was called Simply Jazzlyn. After that, Jasmine made a cover song youtube of the song Talking to the moon. Days later, Jazzlyn ended up making the same cover video on her youtube. That’s all so weird to me, why can’t people have a bit more originality these days? Or maybe those two are just a coincidence since I’m not sure what else she has copied from Jasmine.


Bracelet swag

We don’t have much to blog about this situation, but we’ve been noticing something lately. The fact that even though Jusmine (Justin and Jasmine) is long gone, and has been broken up for almost a year, Justin still wears the bracelet that they both of them got while they were together in Hawaii. I’ve been seeing many different stories about this and for one, it’s not Jasmine’s bracelet that he’s wearing, they each have their own bracelet. Two, It’s a black beaded bracelet but i noticed that they have a white beaded one as well? Unless it’s just a coincidence that they both bought the same bracelet.

If you don’t know what bracelet we are talking about look here:

We also made a college of Justin wearing the bracelet the past few months here:

We are by no means saying that they are “secretly” dating, still have feelings for each other or anything of that sort. We know that they both have a significant other at the moment. We just noticed that he’s been wearing the bracelet as if it’s apart of his daily wardrobe, and never taking the thing off. Why do you think Justin still wears the bracelet? Even though he’s “with” Selena?

Let us know!