Tag Archives: Hacked

The Cassie Morgan “Story”

Recently we’ve been emailed by Cassie Morgan. And she wanted to get her REAL story out.

Here’s what her email was to us (click photo to enlarge):

Overall, it’s just about how she got hacked on her Twitter by her friend. Her friend spread rumors about her and started drama with people on Twitter and there was nothing Cassie could do about it.

Since she said “PLEASE EXPLAIN” I guess we can go on with how this is portrayed in our eyes. Now, let’s just say, that we (PLB) have gotten hacked a few times so if Cassie really did get hacked, we understand how it must feel having hackers  pretending to be you and start drama with random people.  We get that. But from another point of view,  there’s no possible way to tell if all of what’s she said was 100% real and genuine. Last summer “Cassie Morgan” has started rumors about dating Justin.  Those rumors led to a lot of drama in the Belieber fan base.  Although Cassie says the person who hacked her made up those things, there are many people who believe that it was Cassie herself who started the rumors and drama for attention. If it was the real Cassie, it wouldn’t be a surprise to us because you wouldn’t believe how many fans make up rumors about dating  Justin then when they get caught up in their lies, they say they got hacked and that they never dated him. But I’m not saying this couldn’t be true. I think there could be some truth to it but overall, it’s still a mystery.

Do YOU believe Cassie Morgan’s story?

Cassie also posted this on Tumblr today and it’s been causing a pretty big riot on Twitter/Tumblr:

A few people have wanted OUR opinion on this all. So here it is: Personally, this could either be real or fake. It could be true because a lot of people have met Jelena together and have said the same things. Even a few Selenators have tweeted in the past about this happening and have ended up changing their Selena fan accounts. But no one knows for sure if this particular story is true. What do you guys think about all this?

– Cassie’s Twitter: @itsCassieMorgan


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Hacked – Want to be a New Member?

*UPDATE.. we were hacked, but we restored out account by filling out the twitter form. But read on if you wish for more info. And how to become a new member. @XOXOPLB is BACK. So follow it. But the other twitters we made will be for backup/updates!

We got hacked, so you can follow our main twitter- @XOPLB and our back up @XOXOPLBitches. Yeah.. that’s pretty much it. Lol- and we’re probably going to need another member or two. Our email is prettylittlebieber@yahoo.com, so if you’re interested.. HIT US UP!  That’s all I have to say right now. But you may be asked to submit something so we can tell who would be the best for the position.

What we’re looking for:

Must be sexy, that’s a plus 😉 Haha but seriously-

Good punctuation.

Somewhat of experience in writing,blogging,etc.

Trustworthy (we’ll be giving you the passwords, secret accounts, and other topics)

Available at least 4 times a week. (To check up on emails, view twitter mentions)

Any age – Nothing but a number 😉 But the least age would be 13.

What you’re comfortable writing about.

-Send in an example of a blog, and also all that info. If you mess up just re-send :)-

Please follow everything. If we have to keep replying you, it’ll get confusing. And we might not see your actual email. We got a lot. So try your best to fit all the info in one email please. Thank you 🙂

**The deadline to sent in applications will be May 20th, 2011 5pm PCF time.**

Also we’re not sure who hacked us. But we were hacked earlier today around noon time. They only hacked our twitter though, so it’s fishy Usually they would hack the blog and twitter? Especially since both of our passwords were the same. Something’s not adding up. But anyways until we figure this out, talk to us on twitter. When you’re sending in the emails, make sure to add your twitter!!

Much love,


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