Tag Archives: Jover

Six Flags Over Texas

Yesterday, Jelena was taking over Hawaii. Today, Jover was spotted taking over Texas. Good thing Texas is big enough for their teenage hormones

Is it just me, or is this more like an actual teenage relationship; but than again, most teen relationships are real.

J: Look I know we just made sweet love in Hawaii, but I'm still not ready to call Selena my girlfriend.

**Update: We recently spotted this photo of them on a rollercoaster at Six Flags.

Justin and Selena in the front 2 seats, and strangers in the back. Lol at those people in the background staring at the camera..-

Mhm, I’ve never been on that ride. Looks fun..

Are you really surprise that Ryan tweeted Justin:

I mean, that’s the least you can do for someone who paid for you to go to Spain and Italy, including a D&G party. I really wouldn’t be all that surprise to see more tweets like this out of Ryan; and who knows, maybe Chaz will tweet something similar in hopes of getting dibs on the next vacay with his homeboy. He’s kinda been excluded out of the St. Lucia, Spain, etc vacation. Poor Chaz.

-And for anyone who will be at Disney World in Florida this weekend, keep an eye out for Justin and Selena. It’s been reported by an anonymous emailer that Justin will be in Florida this weekend to pick out a present for Jazzy, then he will make his way back to Canada to surprise her with her birthday present on Monday.

Who knows what’s next for these teen idol, who of course, are traveling with all the money you’ve spent on shirts, and tickets, and cds. No worries though, at least he’s going to his sister’s birthday. Wonder who else might be joining…


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5 Hour Vacation, Fun Fun Fun.

So I’m sure YA’LL know about Jover aka ‘Jelena’s’ Hawaii vacation. They flew to Hawaii yesterday and here’s a picture of them at the LAX airport:

At the beach:

And they went on their ‘vacation’ with Carin and (insert sarcasm here) surprise, surprise, Scooter Braun! (Creeping in the background):

But it looks like Jover took the shortest ‘vacation’ in the history of vacations. Here’s a post from Perez Hilton’s new blog:

One of these things is not like the other. One of these things just doesn’t belong to the Disney corporation.

It would seem that Justin Bieber and Selena Gomez cut their Hawaiian vacation a bit short as last night, the pair were spotted back in Los Angeles on a group date with Selena’s BFF Demi Lovato and Justin’s chum Chris Brown. The foursome reportedly took in a midnight showing of Pirates of the Caribbean 4: On Stranger Tides (supporting the parent company, very nice!) and apparently had a really nice time just hanging out…like normal kids.

Other movie-goers in the audience reveal that the stars were “so amped up to be hanging out they kept jumping up and down.” No one reportedly bothered them, which was nice since they supposedly didn’t have any bodyguards on hand. And, before the movie was over, the four of them snuck out of the theater without being noticed by a soul.

Must’ve been nice to just have a normal evening out for a change. No frenzy, no fanfare. Bet they could’ve been mistaken for any plain old group of high schoolers…and their chaperone, Chris Brown. HA!

Or…Gosh, please don’t tell us you two were trying to set Chris and Demi up? No!

Just no! Mark that down as the WORST IDEA EVER!!!

[Image via WENN & Ramey Pix.]

So let’s get this straight. Justin and ‘Over There’ flew to the Hawaiin island Maui, got to Hawaii yesterday, went to the beach. Then on the SAME day flew back to LA and watched a movies with a few friends? So much for a romantic vacation. I thought the purpose of a vacation is to, well vacate?  If they only went to Hawaii to go to the beach for a few hours, that’s just odd. Why not go to the Malibu beach?

Also considering they took LAX that means they would of planned their tickets ahead of time and for a specific plane and plane time too. So they must of well planned their airflights unless someone did it for them. Obviously planned. If you’re in Hawaii you wouldn’t just call up Chris Brown and Demi Lovato and be like “We’re in Hawaii and bored, should we fly back to LA and go to a movie?” It makes no sense. I can imagine the phone conversation right now.. *day dreams*

Justin: “Hey over there! Let’s plan our vacation.”

Over There: “YEAH!”

Justin: “Okay let’s go to Hawaii, then come back 5 hours later!”

Over There: “That’ll get some buzz.”

Justin: “Mhm, and the chance for the ladies to see my sexy body! ;)”

Over There: “YEAH!”

Over There: “And we’ll try to hook up Demi and Chris.”

Jover -together- : “YEAH!”


-If it were Scooter the conversation would probably go the same way. Lol but back to serious-ness-

It seems like after they got their huge buzz and magazine posts from going to Hawaii together they were probably done with that vacation cause it CLEARLY didn’t last longer than a couple of hours. Good job Jover. I hope you enjoyed yourselves!

When there are more pictures update! What do you think about that little 5 hour Hawaiin getaway? All I gotta say is, I hope Justin got some in that hotel room 😉 Victoria Secret pushup bras for the win!



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