Justin Timberlake Gives Bieber Pointers

Justin Timberlake, who shot to fame from the teen group NYSNC and Disney’s Mickey Mouse Club has given the Biebs some advice for his career.

Justin Timberlake also wanted to sign Justin but lucked out when Usher signed him. Timberlake recently told Playboy Magazine,

He’s obviously a talented kid. I just hope he has a good support system, because… it’s awkward growing up in front of the public. (Usher) will teach him that you can’t just ride this out. You need to have somewhere to go. You need to have a plan, and somebody like Justin Bieber should be thinking about that right now. Otherwise, before you know it, there’s going to be some kid who’s younger than you (taking your place).

We definitely agree Mr. Timberlake. Justin came out of no where, and what’s to say there isn’t someone like him out there ready to take his place?  I think that Justin should have started his album before the World Tour. While he was gone other people begin slipping into the cracks, like Ryan Beatty. Justin needs to work hard and fast, but keep up quality. It’s good that things are lining up for him, such as a collab with Kanye West.You may need it soon Bieber if you stay so DL.

You’re never safe in the business Justin, never.


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3 thoughts on “Justin Timberlake Gives Bieber Pointers

  1. gossipgirl says:

    ughhh not a fan of this site at all…just a bunch of dumb bored girls let me head over to bieberheiress.com and truthishout.wordpress.com much BETTER!!!

  2. hayes_cassie says:

    Soooo true. Biebs bettta step the game up with those ‘new songs.’

  3. Patricia says:

    Omg I love Timberlake!!!!! I used to be a HUGE fan of NSYNC. I went to all their concerts and had all their albums. They were my Justin Bieber 10 years ago lol. I agree that Justin needs to step up his game cause Cody Simpson and Grayson Chance are becoming popular too, even though I don’t see any of them ever becomming as big as Biebs. I actually think that Justin is doing a great job so far. The boy does need a break. After all, he does work so hard for us. I kinda feel like Timberlake still has a chip on his shoulder about Bieber, that he didn’t choose him and went with Usher instead.

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