Chaz Somers clothing line

Looks like Chaz Somers- one of Justin’s best friends is starting to make his way into the business. Not the singing one of course- but in fashion. He’s created his own clothing line called LeNinja.  It’s for both men and woman and It’s up for pre-order right now. Most of the guys from Stratford have even been tweeting the line hoping that most of the beliebers would end up buying it.

Not only is he selling t-shirts around 20+ bucks but he is having a drawing where if you buy a shirt- you will be entered into a drawing where you could be the leading lady in his photo-shoot for the LeNinja line. Must be nice to have Justin Bieber as a best friend, Ryan’s focused on becoming a director and Chaz is trying to come out with a clothing line. Could this also be the reason why the both of them started hanging out again and going back to the way things used to be- instead of it just being Ryan and Justin all the time?

Wonder if Justin’s ever going to tweet about the line and tell people to buy it- because you know how he loves to #supporthisfriends. Are you going to buy LeNinja?


6 thoughts on “Chaz Somers clothing line

  1. Meghan says:

    You can only win the photoshoot thing or whatever if you live in Canada. And if u live in the US you get an autographed picture of Chaz………….like ok. Lololol

  2. Patricia says:

    Wow I never even knew that he was working on a clothing line. I would have to see it first. I like Chaz but he is definatelly taking advantage of us beliebers and Justin in doing this. He’s actually gonna have a photoshoot? If it wasn’t for Justin he wouldn’t even have this opportunity. Im NOT hating on him, just saying.

  3. Lexi says:

    lol how AWKWARD would a photoshoot with chaz be? like why would you wanna do that? omg i cant even imagine that. and the shirts are uglyy

  4. mikayla says:

    its not his clothing line, he just designed a few shirts for them. theyve been around for awhile.

  5. ... says:

    yessssssss for once canadians can win something americans canttt ! i lovee chaz!!

  6. Jenny says:

    LOL! Does he think he has fans or something?

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