What’s This I Hear?

We have recently been enlightened with an email. Now, please keep in mind that this MAY OR MAY NOT be true. The person was unable to provide evidence, but if your in this situation, you likely wouldn’t rush to pick up your recorder, you would want to hear the conversation… please keep that in mind- this is the only reason that I (Tiarra) have chosen to post it. You can decided if it is true yourself. I will not be offended either way. I personally am iffy on believing it, but it seems like it could almost be true- we will never know, but here it is.

“it’s about what happend with justin and selena last month

so i cant find the nespaper that my dad gave it was
a nespaper from italy and my dad was in italy at the same time that justin was.

but my sister is working where justin was in israel
she’s working as a
in this hotel so she and another woman were the head of the suites 
of justin and his crew
at the 3rd day of justin in the hotel he was so pissed about
the paps so he stayed at the hotel and my sister told me that
 when his mother and kenny left the hotel he made a phone call ffrom the hotel(it’s cheaper) and my sister heard abit from the phone call that he made it was like that
justin:you cheated i know that it’s not true what we do

(i’m translating what my sister told me)

justin:but it still hurts 

some1:…..dont fucking tell me that it wasnt true 
and nick also you know that it’s all bullshit 

justin:i really dont know what to say 
some1:we need to talk face to face it’s not working like that
justin:do whatever you want i honestly right now dont give a fuck

the phone is true i really dont know who is this person that he talked to but let me gusse 
you cannot believe that but this is what my sister told me
and she will never lie to me about it”

Unfortunately, we can’t confirm because there is no proof, so you’ll just have to believe it if you want to or not. the choice is yours.


Here are the screenshots by the way:

the same person that originally sent this just sent us this by the way:

so i saw that you put what i wrote to you on your blog

and i saw the comments

i just want you to tell them

that my english is bad because i’m from israel and that

justin used the phone on his suite

and in this hotel you can hear all the phonecalls

in the control room

i’m a blieber and i love justin and selena well she’s fine

but i dont hate her that i will spread a rumer

about them



39 thoughts on “What’s This I Hear?

  1. Marykate says:

    i don’t know. but i’m refusing to believe it until there is evidence that is confirmed by you guys

  2. salma says:

    Personally I dont think its true, i cant understand some of it tbh, like who is it supposed to be selena? cause it mentions nick but seriously i dont believe it, I have always thought that Jelena was fake and will continue to believe that they’re fake, I have proof for their fake relationship which was all in you ‘Jelena:Exposed’ blog =, however there is no proof shown here and no evidence I could have made this up and sent it to you, anyone could have, especially as it isn’t written in very good english, I am really struggling to believe that this is real. But credit to your amazing blogs as usual and I’m happy you gave people a disclaimer as it is likely to be false 🙂

  3. Lexi says:

    “you cheated i know that it’s not true what we do?” is this supposed to be like “i know were fake but you cheated?” because that would make no sense. But it’s likely a convo like this happened, in my opnion, but I don’t know.
    And how would she hear the person on the other end of the line unless they were on speaker phone? Hm, I need more details then I’ll form an opinion. But your timeline proved they are fake,soo..

    • i’m not sure what she meant, i would assume thats how it was supposed to be… but they didn’t have responses, it was all one person- i just wish there was a video or sound, that way i would know for sure. its agonizing not knowing if its real or jut made up,

    • Uzzi says:

      I think it’s coz if anyone found out that selena was “cheating” then the fake relationship fell through. I think selena and justin are just as guilty as their managers for trying to make this fake relationship work.

  4. JM says:

    I don’t know if it’s true or not, but I just wanted to point out that it’s kind of funny in the screenshot you have a window open that says “How to Take a Screenshot” LOL!

  5. rtygg says:

    wouldnt this mean this relationship is fake because he says even if its not true it still hurts??

  6. boomboompow says:

    ummm yeah, why would justin need to use the “cheaper” hotel phone?? he’s a fucking international pop star, i really doubt he would care about the money. i don’t think he would risk the chance of being listened to through the hotel phone just to save like 2 dollars. and also, the conversation is just hard to believe. like the grammar is just a fucking disaster, no one speaks english like that.

  7. Loveterms says:

    Yeah, like it could be that it was fake and that they were still supposed to keep it going and then if she “cheated” or was seen out with Nick Jonas, then its like the gig would have been off. So then maybe that’s why she showed up in Malaysia, etc. Hard to know without more evidence.

  8. Uzzi says:

    I love the fact that “selena” swears! Not so goody goody now are you?!

  9. Julie says:

    justin:you cheated i know that it’s not true what we do

    pourquoi il dit ceci ? ceci veut dire que le couple est faux dans ce cas mais je pense que c’est faux , Jelena c’est coup de pub

  10. Julie says:

    justin:you cheated i know that it’s not true what we do

    why he said this? this means that the couple is wrong in this case but I think it’s wrong, it’s Jelena stunt

  11. Gabbbie says:

    Ok I doubt this is true. 1st of all, if it’s a phone call how can she hear what the other persons saying? unless it’s on speaker but think about it.. After the whole incident with girls sneaking in his room, justin and his crew aren’t going to let maids clean his room while he’s still in there. Actually, they don’t even clean rooms when anyone in the hotel room. So Im gonna say no, this int true.

  12. i don’t know if its true or not, but if it is then POOR JUSTIN !!! 😦 if its not, oh well. i still think selena is faking it. awesome blogs by the way 🙂

  13. also- if selena and justin are REALLY going out, why can’t they just tell us? we see them kissing and touching and stuff, yet they deny it. if they cleared it up, they wouldn’t have to deal with the rumors and gossip. the main reason why i hate selena is because she lies, so if she told the truth, maybe people would like her. IDK just my opinion on jelena…

  14. rach says:

    Hey, love ur blogs and iam a fan
    And this is a controversial blog u have just posted, all ur blogs ALWAYS have evidence that’s why its true, but I’m really confused why did u post this one cos don’t u have many emails sent to u about other fake rumours without evidence, yet u post this one.. Which has no evidence, well I’m just saying I don’t believe it but still keep doing what ur doing guys, will always support u 😀 xox

  15. PLBSupport says:

    Since you don’t know if it’s true, well yeah.. but why would be Jelena real after that? With this “It hurts” thing, it just shows that Justin maybe really likes her, but she doesn’t..

  16. Patricia says:

    This is why I love you guys and your blog is the best Bieber blog out there! Even though its written in really bad English, I have a feeling that it might be real. I’ve always felt like Justin really likes selena, but she doesn’t feel the same way about him. Even though its a fake relationship for publicity, I really do think that Justin fell in love with her and she’s just playing him. And it makes me hate her even more now. I knew that when she met up with Nick, that something was going on between them again. Reading this makes me feel so bad for Justin 😦

    • kat says:

      well acttually there is the possibility that justin is the one who cheated. not selena.. if u change it so that “some1” is justin.. it can work too

  17. Megan says:

    I think the “some1” is actually Justin cause it doesn’t really seem like a conversation. I think Justin was on the phone with Selena but it’s only him talking here. But I still think that Justin & Selena’s relationship is fake. But he’s crispy fallen for her & she still likes Nick. So if this was actually just Justin talking then it makes sense.

  18. megan says:

    Its not good English because people from Israel don’t speak English! If its true or not I still believe jelena is fake. Love your blog girls

  19. gjhdsjkfldg says:

    lmfao you had to search how to take a screenshot. lol this made me laugh, not making fun of you guys tho. lol

  20. Ashley says:

    in the end you say ‘This would give reason that Jelena is a real couple– but this would also make me believe that they aren’t as strong as the once were’ well, in my opinion, IF this is true, then it means they are a fake couple, read it better – ‘justin:you cheated i know that it’s not true what we do

    (i’m translating what my sister told me)

    justin:but it still hurts ‘

    —> ‘i know that its not true what we do, but it still hurts’ to me it sounds like he’s saying he knows they’re relashionship is fake BUT it still hurts him to see her cheat… but thats my opinion…

  21. kat says:

    wow thats really interesting. i believe it. so yeah 🙂

  22. Megan says:

    Oh wow I meant really* not crispy haha. And I agree with you Ashley, that’s my exact opinion.

  23. monica says:

    theres no proof but why would justin use the hotel phone? i know its cheaper but, he has money & i dont think he’d use the phone especially in front of people about something private.

    • megan says:

      When your in a different country your bill sky rockets high because your not from there…and you get crappy service, so maybe it is cheaper to use the hotel one..also, what if he got his phone taken away? Ever think of that?

  24. NewBitchInTown says:

    One thing that’s fishy is if they were talkin in English why would the girl need to translate what her sister said..coz if her sister didn’t know english she wouldn’t know or understand what they were sayin plus u can’t listen in on phone calls in hotels..that would be like invading privacy and I’m sure a posh hotel like that wouldn”t allow it.. Peace out losers the bitch is bak in town..xoxoxoxoxoxox

  25. Person says:

    People think the some1 is Justin? How? Hes the one in the hotel and talking on the phone!

  26. dami says:

    jb and selena are never gonna break up :/ they saw each other the other day and jb admitted they’re dating… i’m so sad 😦

  27. isabel says:

    I Think Selena’s The One That The Someone Cuz It Said Nick And Selena Likes Nick. So I Think Its Selena

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